Thursday, December 9, 2010

.oh Christmas tree.

What a good day! Woke up to the pouring rain! By the time I got out of Western Civ. though the sky was bright and shiny! =) Chapel was Christmas chapel. The choir and jazz groups did awesome!

I pointed out this Christmas tree aka "branch" to Jeffrey on the way back from chapel and he decided to bring it to his room as a Christmas tree! ha This kid cracks me up!

Went on a walk this afternoon to study my flash cards for New Testament. Well took a turn into a neighborhood that I could only get out of in a certain place - which meant about a mile and a half later. Then I had to walk another mile and half to get back to the school from where I ended up at! So my short walk to study turned into 4 miles of walking! But that's ok! It was a good work out!

Met with Tim and Christa to work on our group project. We got complaints because we were laughing to loud in the study room. Woops! =) Ba ha..... Tim with his pink hair clip he found...

I found this volunteer opportunity and I'm really excited to look into it more for next semester!

Tim and I decided we might go sky diving for our birthday this spring! considering we have the same birthday, he'll be 21 and I'll be 19. So! If I can get over the fact that I'm jumping out of an airplane, I think it would be awesome!

It's expensive though...we will see....

Christa and I decided we should be roommates some time. I love that girl. She is always so happy and always smiling! I think that this would be a lot of fun!


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