Monday, February 6, 2012

.finding glory.

It's been a growing process this semester. But I'm so excited for life. First of all, I'm challenging myself spiritually to stop holding back. In fact, this has been in just the past couple days, and it has been incredibly freeing. I'm still hesitant, but I'm releasing it to God. As a result, my natural joy for life and desiring more relationships is coming back. It's wonderful. I've asked God for a few things and I know that he'll show himself in these things to me this semester.

My entrepreneurial spirit is sparked and ideas are flying. I'm not going to mention any specifics yet, but they are coming.

This semester seems physically impossible. It defies all scientific evidence behind time and hours and days and nights. It is going to take a miracle for God to get me through these classes this semester with this schedule. I'm trusting him to do so and I'm believing for a successful semester where I learn a ton.

Simple. That's what life is.

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