Tuesday, April 20, 2010

.Breath of Air.

Breath of Air

Holy Spirit,
You are constantly guiding my life.
You are always moving me towards a new stage in my life
I rejoice that you are guiding me 
And never leaving me alone.

You speak to me
through Music
Through Scripture
through Friends
Through New Friends
Through Family
Through Strangers
Through movies
You've even spoken to me through a poem in my English class.

Spirit you tell me what I need to do
But my flesh cries out against the task that seems so difficult.

Spirit you tell me it's to come
But I fight against time until the task becomes an obvious    necessity.

Guide me and give me peace.
You tell me there is never perfect timing for anything
Ecclesiastes 11:4

Yet my flesh aches in pain of what's to come.
Give me peace.
Give me knowledge.
Of when you will have your will be done.

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