Saturday, May 1, 2010

.encouraging day.

Friday, Friday..... school actually went well today! The reason? We are just studying for our AP tests. This is such a huge relief since I was worried teachers would pile on assignments on top of all our studying! I took a practice AP Psych multiple choice and got a 85%, which is like a 4 i think. This was encouraging since I'm so nervous for all my tests!

After school I came home and edited more of Mark's pictures....this is one of my favorites so far!

I went to work and had a very busy night. The fitting rooms were full a majority of the time, with people standing in line, resulting in me running around like a crazy person trying to help everyone. By the end of the night, my boss complimented me on how I dealt with several customers....very encouraging I would say!

I came home and created a facebook "like?" page for my photography. And then I continued to edit pictures :)

8 hour shift tomorrow when I would really just like to be home studying. It's ok though! We're almost through!


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