Monday, July 19, 2010

.the road to Hell narrow or wide.

Today at church we Pastor Chris talked about Hell. It's so true what he said - people today think that the gate to heaven is wide. That most people go to heaven and not hell. Only the really bad people like Hitler go to hell. In reality that is not the case. The road to Hell is much wider then that of Heaven. More people go to heaven then hell! And it's not just for what we think of as big crimes and sins. It's for simple things - such as valuing things of this world to much (like cars, our houses, how much money is in our bank account). We all do that - but to think that our holding such high worth in those things could take us to hell? Makes you think...

Today was an awesome day simply because i was alive. I'm at peace with life and know that when you follow God's plan for your life and listen, you can't go wrong. Nothing too exciting happened. At youth they talked about the things that happened on their mission trip to Mexico. Made me so excited to go somewhere next year.

Edited pictures tonight! Got a bunch done!

Another Senior Shoot in the morning! Nighty night!

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