Thursday, September 16, 2010

.raw fingertips.

I woke up at 6:30 this morning, thinking it was way to dark compared to normal work out time. So I checked the clock three times, twice on my alarm clock, once on my cell phone, just to make sure I was looking at the time right! haha Seamed way to early to get out of bed, but I've realized I'm a morning person. Once I get out of bed, I get so much done in the morning! And then I can make it to bed earlier, so it won't be so hard to crawl out of bed!

Today rained. But for some reason sitting at my desk, with my cup of hot chocolate, reading psych, and seeing the rain pour down outside my window wasn't so bad! Calming actually! I love my little nook at my desk. It's so home-y. My desk in my room is by far my favorite spot to do homework as long as the window's open and I have music playing!

I spent the entire day studying today! And as a result! I got the evening free! Woo hoo! =) Ate dinner with cody and nancy, then headed back to my dorm before deciding to get out and go to the Bellvue Square mall with Carley. We just pretty much walked around - sampled some really good tea and then some lotion.

We attempted to find a fred meyer. But the GPS took us to a safeway! not quite the same! Ended up buying a pack of Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls in hopes to find someone with a pan back at school. No luck tonight, so they sit in my fridge uneaten and unbaked. Waiting for someone to be oh so kind with a pan to show up at my door =) (*Wink wink*)

I think we did 5 u-turns tonight. haha It was a driving experience. Those Alaskan's - better watch out for them when you're on the road! haha

Practiced Athailea tonight! Her strings my fingers raw after practicing for an hour. "Here I am to worship" is really beginning to sound like the actual sound now! haha It's taken a while, since i'm teaching myself. But I'm beggining to understand strumming more, so it helps. Aslo practiced some chords on the piano since Vitaley said he was going to help me learn piano again.

Oh it feels so good to be back in music. I didn't realize how much I was missing until I actually came back and things start clicking and flowing again! Yes! =)

Time for an earlier bed time tonight!
goodnight friends!

p.s Oh Senate! They forgot someone on the ballot, so there is a re-vote for all Freshman tomorrow! Don't forget to get on and vote! =)

His the "Aerie" - our school coffee shop!

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