Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Inspiring Women Athlete Advertisements

Something I'm learning about myself recently (or beginning to be able to express it in words) is my growing passion of empowering women. Most people have a negative perspective of what empowering is - but to me it is teaching young women to be confident in who they are. Whether that is an athlete, a nurse, a stay at home mom, or business women... my passion is to let women know that they can be confident in that. They do not have to depend on anyone else to define who they are.

I'm doing a project on women in advertising - I've decided to hone down on specifically the growth of women empowerment in advertising. I'm so inspired by the articles and videos I have been watching. These are companies that I really respect and would love to work with at some point in my life. Anytime a company can move past the sale of their brand, and inspire people to be truly just confident people, that is success.

Here are a few inspiring videos:


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